this is gonna be my prayer journal

I finally decided (and I hope I’m right) that I’m going to write out my prayers for muslims especially muslims in malaysia as well as the orang asli (indigenous people ) of Malaysia. I have been nursing a burden for them for many years, praying intermittently , at times feeling lost , frustrated, passionately , other times in despair over what I read in the papers. But the years have not wore me down. I am a little less lost and emotional now; a little wiser to see beyond the news and to read between the lines. God is at work among the muslims especially in the Middle East and Indonesia. I see his handiwork. I will intercede every day here and write out my prayers as a remembrance , a memorial of what he will do.

God , you have been my resting place for this journey. I have been a fool , a child who did not understand and a youth who fluctuated in his emotions. But I believe in You, the God who loves the malays, the orang asli : the God of mountains and valleys: the God who called Saul. Work out your salvation among the malays . I pray for Fariq who has been having spiritual attacks that you will deliver him and lead him to you. Give to them dreams and visions , because they have a cloud and a veil over them. Let them turn to you and have the veil removed. Let the name of Jesus , prophet and Son of God, word of God be honoured among the malay muslims. Let not the teachers blind them to how even the Koran exalts Jesus as the holy one. Let them fear your name.

Raise up workers to go into the villages and communities. Workers who know how to plant, sow and harvest. workers who work among the poor and down trodden. workers among the neglected and oppressed orang asli; workers among drug addicts and teenage gangs …

Sustain in me a willing spirit and help me see, understand and grow in intercession for I am unable, weak and very shaky. Teach me how to pray O Lord. I believe.

~ by foopat on December 25, 2009.

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