What we promise God..what God promises us..

Every year we start afresh. We look back and count the times we’ve fallen, stumbled, conquered mountains and hills, seen God’s hand, felt his presence, moved by His Spirit. In the last few months of 2009, God has been lifting me up to see from his perspective and I’m learning to feel less anxious, less worried and less upset by hiccups, potholes and hindrances. A little less needing to control and a little less worrying when I am not. It is good, says the Lord. Romans 8:28 is true.

Often in the past, when things are not ideal or do not fall according to my plan, I get irritated: I push, shove, shout, sulk , feel discouraged. I react. And I am talking about spiritual and earthly things. But if we walk with God and bad things happen, or things don’t go according to plan, perhaps consider that it may be the Lord’s timing or His hand in it- it may be divine appointment. You may touch a soul, the pause may give you a better vantage or just a needed break from the deadening routine. It may be a teachable moment. Don’t miss God’s voice at those times ; he may be getting your attention. I may be dreaming of revivals ; God may just want me to spend time praying for my family.

God’s ways are not our ways. But His work of redemption for ourselves, for the fallen world and for the muslim community will culminate positively  in Revelation’s great victory and harvest. His work is not dying or abating.

Lord come into my life and make me a fisher of man , together with many brothers and sisters who are called by your name and live by your blood. I am foolish and cowardly, and I need your discipling – just as you taught John and Andrew how to fish and minister , can you teach me, show me by Your Spirit?To  heal just as you heal? love just as you love? I’m tired of religion and religiosity ; propaganda and commercialism – let us, Christians and Muslims see you Lord Jesus, and know you  !

~ by foopat on December 30, 2009.

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