Grieving in Zion

If we grieve , let us grieve in Zion. Isaiah 61:3. If we are crying, let’s cry unto the Lord. Because He is good, kind and merciful. He gives grace to the humble, but opposes the proud. He has said, ” I will never leave you nor forsake you” . Hebrews 13 resonates this to us. We are not orphans in the Lord but we are his child , who still live in this world even though we are not of this world. And we will never be of this world – its dna, its goals, its materialism, its foundations…we will never fit in.

Lord let 2010 be a fruitful year , let it be a year of abiding in Jesus, I will trust your pruning in order that I may bear more fruit, I will walk in the Lord and pray in the Spirit-build my most holy faith (Jude).  Continue to touch and work in muslim hearts. Let seeds be sown. Let hearts be opened. seedlings, roots and stems grow. Let your servants be wise as serpents, innocent as doves.  Lord work especially among malay teenagers – there is a lostness, a despair and much identity searching among them – let them find you as we have found you. So we grieve in prayer and in Zion, we yearn for your glory, for your salvation.

~ by foopat on December 31, 2009.

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