the art of saying NO

It is not , as I have found, the shining coin on a dirt strewn path,

not the ability to say yes to God , that is not where the poverty of spirit lies

not the ability or desire of wanting God and good things of the soul

I have plenty. going forward may be the stumbling block for some

not me, I have a storehouse of good intentions and verbal declarations.

What I lack , like to young rich ruler, is a silent closed door praying

kneeling where I meet the Father and commune with the Lord, drink till drunk

the Spirit wine. the consistency and daily eating of the body of Christ

the blood I only partake but once

every two or four weeks. I need the regular, the mundane, the undecorated

life without fanfare, in the trenches – to be inundated with divine life . Away

from the madding crowd: with God alone

no fig leaf. two chairs and a tea table set in a garden.

and unrushed ears and lingering time

drunk with the Spirit. dream the dreams of God.

What I need ; the ability to say NO, The shout Silence! Be still!

to the mountain of distractions I call out and pressing calls I refuse, ever

evolving needs and wants of a bored life

of the needy body and hurting soul, the spirit got forgotten.

NO to the little foxes and lesser wholesome activities , still the butcher slices away, the circumcision of the unnecessary, distilling of the pure oil of need

NO to deadness and sin’s alluring whispers

NO to discussions , my excuses and defensive arguments

blaming stress and offenses done to us. No to whys I cannot do it..

I want the power to say No, not just YES

to bring the battle to the denial of the flesh , carrying of the cross

wooden cross, where the battle lies

Sometimes, the battle is above the earth, the realm of the flying spirits

where dreams and possibilities activate, perspectives that open eyes and minds

the struggle is not flesh and blood, the soulish struggles

the emotional wounds and weakened wills, yet sometimes it is

of the flesh and blood coursing through the veins, arteries

for it is still the physical door that the spirit paints its potrait

it is still the NO that simplifies and purifies

my body. my disciple.

My soul-spirit. His.

~ by foopat on February 4, 2010.

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