
I am distraught. I read revelation 3 and it feels like God speaking the words ” Strengthen what remains” into me.Hauntingly

I cannot escape its truth.  At first the heart rises because it recognises

the Master’s voice, heard so long ago. faraway. Then the reality of truth meeting the asphalt

sets in, grips me

like a claw constricting my heart.  You are dead.

almost but so what. The dead and the dying. Only there remains for me – a reputation

of being alive, a memory of deeds incomplete before a complete God

the Father and just a tiny sliver of green emerging , His finger

beneath the pile of rubble, it lingers

much like Nehemiah’s rubble. my spirit

alive ,  is still breathing – half alive half dead on the ground. dry bones. Come

close and feel

the warm moisturized air that exudes

from my passages. It is about to die . It is not about to live.

Strengthen what remains

even though it is half dead and dying and ugly and tattered. There is still life,

still life. and I cry at the diagnosis.

Still the road ahead I clamber. So little life and in my tired weariness,  I dread

the tomorrows of trying

strengthen that which is dying.

I am a doctor giving CPR to my spirit who is fracturing, ebbing

away. powerless , misunderstood , grieving

like giving up. I feel like all these years of trying and striving

have become nought –  no avail. God no

has not come nor has he seen the pain. I have stumbled in my service and pursuit of Him. I am imperfect. My deeds are incomplete.  stumbling

A gargantuan litany amasses  before me. Here am I again fallen and weak, part shell and part dead. hearing the trumpet

call Wake Up! Be alert  Be watchful!

Strengthen, make firm , establish

It remains !..alive beautiful, of the Spirit, living,

Remember what you have received , Hold On,

  • Repent

I dread these words. But would I rather …” Better is one day in your courts than a thousand

elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents

of the wicked. ” Remembering

I would rather hear the voice of my Lord (healing truth) than  sweet words of the lying disease called satan

Speak  Ruach as Samuel said,  your servant is listening.

~ by foopat on March 17, 2010.

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